L. Ron Hubbard’s Landmark Book on Efficiency–On Film in 15 Languages

7 02 2011


L. Ron Hubbard said that life is composed of seven-tenths work, one-tenth familial, one-tenth political and one-tenth relaxation.  As such, his acclaimed book, The Problems of Work, is one of the single-most effective pieces of Scientology technology that anyone can pick up and put to immediate use.

Fitting, then, that Golden Era Productions has now completed production of a full, unabridged film version of The Problems of Work – available in 15 languages.


The Problems of Work film, on DVD, is drawn directly from the pages of L. Ron Hubbard’s book of the same title, illustrating basic Scientology principles for use in everyday life. Among these Scientology principles are the triangle of Affinity, Reality and Communication, which are the Components of Understanding; the Anatomy of Confusion; the Anatomy of Control; the Secret of Efficiency; and the underlying mental and spiritual reasons for exhaustion and their remedy. To make this knowledge broadly available, this DVD has further been translated and produced in 15 languages. This 66-minute presentation is also the centerpiece of an introductory Scientology course offered in every Scientology Church and Mission. (Watch an excerpt from the film: The Problems of Work—Anatomy of Control.)

Mr. Hubbard directed that his introductory works of Dianetics and Scientology be produced as films to make his discoveries readily accessible to the general public.

The Problems of Work is the third L. Ron Hubbard book-on-film produced and released in the past 18 months.

  • How to Use Dianetics is a four-and-a-half-hour book-on-film of Mr. Hubbard’s seminal work, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. Dianetics is the all-time
    best-selling book on the human mind and reveals the source of one’s nightmares, unreasonable fears and irrational behavior—the reactive mind. How to Use Dianetics reveals how negative experiences in an individual’s past cause the mind to depart from rational thought and behavior, causing unexplainable anxieties, depression and psychosomatic ills. The Dianetics film further illustrates counseling procedures (called auditing) to locate and overcome these past experiences and eliminate their negative effects. This DVD provides the “how to” of Dianetics, exactly as developed by Mr. Hubbard, and is available in English and 15 translated languages. (Watch an excerpt from How to Use Dianetics.)
  • The Way to Happiness is a two-hour book-on-film of L. Ron Hubbard’s commonsense guide to living. The Way to Happiness book is the world’s most broadly disseminated non-religious moral code. It is also the most translated non-religious book in the world—97 languages to date. In this two-hour film, the book’s 21 precepts are illustrated, unabridged, presenting The Way to Happiness message of core moral values and principles applicable to all ages, races and creeds. This DVD is available in English and 15 translated languages. (Watch an excerpt from The Way to Happiness book-on-film.)

Mr. Hubbard’s books-on-film are part of the ongoing work to make the entire body of his works accessible to all. To date, this has included the restoration and release of more than 2,000 of Mr. Hubbard’s recorded lectures on compact disc, and the publication of eighteen books and more than 1,000 articles accompanying those lectures. In combination, these works comprise the day-to-day record of Mr. Hubbard’s path of discovery in Dianetics and Scientology. The release of these materials, in January 2010, represented the conclusion of a 25-year program to restore and preserve the complete Scripture of Scientology, as authored by the religion’s Founder.

The Church is further engaged in a translation project, comprised of more than a thousand translators, to provide these materials in every language.

With the beginning books of Dianetics and Scientology translated and published in fifty languages, in 2010 the Church and its parishioners completed a two-year project to provide both print and audiobook editions to every public lending library on Earth.



One response

28 04 2011
Over-Stressed at Work = Misery as a Parent | Scientology Parent

[…] there’s a book by that title, which is the most fundamental book in Scientology.  It’s called The Problems of Work: […]

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